Pretty tumblers

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After much pondering and browsing of late I think I've finally got the coloured tumblers situation sorted.

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Behold the rainbow.

It makes me happy every time I open this door to see these bright little solders lined up. Nothing in here cost much, but they are part of my intention to surround myself with things that are thoughtful and beautiful, rather than merely practical. The things they replaced were serviceable, but extremely blah.

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These pale pink tumblers are from Anthropologie and were $8 a pop. I think they're rather fab.

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The blue ones are from Ikea and good for when you want something a little smaller. Just a nip.

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As are these set of five amber ones from the op-shop.

Tumblers are one of those things that sit around on tables and desks and nightstands all over the house, just doing their thing. I think making them beautiful to hold and look at makes them do a kind of double duty. I'm still not sure if the collection is finished. It's a bit of a rabbit hole.

P.S I completely love the word tumblers to describe glassware. It sounds so incongruous.

P.P.S I'm linking this in here.

Even artichokes have hearts

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I've always loved this line from Amelie. The first time Husband ever visited my studio flat he correctly identified it on the chalkboard… and I knew he was the one. True story.

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Meanwhile, seven years and mortgage and a baby later I've been fixing up this blanket box we inherited.

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This is what was underneath the pink velvet. Pretty but falling into dust.

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This is what it looks like now. I've put it in the hall for shoe removal and convenient handbag dumping.

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Don't these tomatoes look gorgeous in the sun? I took this in one of the brief sunshiny rain breaks we've ben having.

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It was a casual kind of weekend around here, I won't lie. We hardly left the house at all with all this rain.

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My singlet is Gorman and the shrug contraption is from Cotton On. The jeans are Target with Punky Brewster patches added by me. The loafers are from Wittner. I kept seeing these shoes for months, each time a little more discounted until I finally gave in. So glad I did because they are buttery leather heaven.

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While we're on the subject of fashion look at this. More leopard print and fair isle! It's going to be the combo for winter I'm telling you. This picture is from Susie Bubble.

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Heads down. Bums up!

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We're looking for a screen front door. What do you think of this one?

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This is our front door now.

op shop treasure

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I should have taken a shot of this letter rack before I painted it white and glossy. These things are everywhere in oppies and I've never been attracted to them before but something about the little leaping reindeer on this one made me do it. I was feeling a bit alpine.

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I've found so many funny, lovely things lately. The thrift gods have been kind. Like this framed embroidery, perfect for the bathroom wall.

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I'm a sucker for a handmade patchwork quilt. I find them perfectly irresistible. This one is a for a single bed and quite thick. Aren't the swatches nice?

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This little stitched cushion was in a sorry state when I brought it home. It needed a good, hard, restuffing.

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And last but not least, this funny old basket with tortoise shell handle.

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I'm keeping bog roll in it at the moment, because I like to keep it classy.

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Linking with Her Library Adventures flea market finds.

Kate Spade and Florence Broadhurst


OK seriously, Kate Spade Florence Broadhurst collection? You had me at hello.



I can't tell you how all this excites me. I freaking love this Japanese Florals print and the idea of wrapping myself in it thrills me no end. For years in my last office job the pattern was my desktop wallpaper and there are scrap samples of it in my bathroom.

These are my favourite bits:

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Cotton jacket

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Classic pumps

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Wallet. This has japanese floral lining peeking out. Sigh.


Pink and orange specs. No print on these but how cute are they on the girl in the picture above?

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Suitcase. Don't click on this one or the cost will make you sad.

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Umbrella. To go with the wellies.

Delightful, no?

Obviously I'd like one of everything packed into that suitcase and delivered to my doorstep. If Kate Spade shipped to Australia… which she does not. At all. Not even through my parcel forwarding service which has blocked her site. Poor form Kate Spade. Poor form.

I have strong Australian dollars to spend!

The truth is, so devoted have I been to my obsession with this collection I think I may have found a loophole that will allow me to get my mits on one or two pieces but it has been HARD WORK people - I won't lie.

Until I have the package in my hands, maybe don't tell anyone I told you though m'kay?

Weekend life

IMG 5572 My poor bedraggled summer sandals. They are sodden. Beleaguered by puddles.

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But just look at this sunset. I mean really.

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Baby has taken to rolling himself up like a catapillar. Sometimes I can only tell he's there by the muffled giggles.

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I cooked lunch for some old friends on the weekend. It was delightful.

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I made this gigantic panzanella salad which we hardly dented. I cannot undercater. It is not in me.

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The sausages from our butcher are famous. Really. People come from miles away just to buy them.

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Is there anything cuter than a baby in a hood? I'm having trouble thinking of one.

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My name on a coke bottle. So thrilling. The lady on Romper Room never once saw me through the magic mirror.

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I just finished reading 'How to be a women'. I give it two thumbs up. I think Husband woud enjoy it too but it's hard to convinve him to begin things like this.

Dreaming of winter through 33 degree days

This happens to me every year at this time and it's completely ridiculous. Thinking about my winter wardrobe during the longest hottest days of the year here is pure madness… but I cannot resist. Let's just turn up the dial in the one air conditioned room in the house and give in.

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This is Ralph Lauren Fall/Winter 2012, from the Sartorialist. Isn't it pattern mixxy fab?

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I've haven't been big on wide expanses of leopard print before but this animal print/grandpa knit combination is absolutely what I want to wear, right now.

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I can't promise it didn't inspire me to get add this Etsy faux fur to basket recently.