After much pondering and browsing of late I think I've finally got the coloured tumblers situation sorted.
Behold the rainbow.
It makes me happy every time I open this door to see these bright little solders lined up. Nothing in here cost much, but they are part of my intention to surround myself with things that are thoughtful and beautiful, rather than merely practical. The things they replaced were serviceable, but extremely blah.
These pale pink tumblers are from Anthropologie and were $8 a pop. I think they're rather fab.
The blue ones are from Ikea and good for when you want something a little smaller. Just a nip.
As are these set of five amber ones from the op-shop.
Tumblers are one of those things that sit around on tables and desks and nightstands all over the house, just doing their thing. I think making them beautiful to hold and look at makes them do a kind of double duty. I'm still not sure if the collection is finished. It's a bit of a rabbit hole.
P.S I completely love the word tumblers to describe glassware. It sounds so incongruous.
P.P.S I'm linking this in here.