Everyone should iron their own clothes

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I baked this banana bread today after Husband and I had one of our recurring discussions about my disinclination to iron. He thinks 'the majority' of men in our position are getting their work shirts ironed for them. I call bullshit to this. Everyone should iron their own clothes. He does a better job at it than me anyway.

I think my inner 50's homemaker must have been offended by the intimation of inadequacy though so I baked banana bread. Ha. That'll teach him. It has chocolate and scotch in it. I've seen this recipe all over the webs lately but I used this one.

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I ended up having a pretty bonkers housewifey day all over. In addition to keeping our Baby alive ALL DAY I made lots of puree food.

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Stocked the pantry. Husband gets nervous when we don't have a lot of dry pasta in the cupboard. It's part of his apocalypse strategy.

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Made a freaking meatloaf.

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I know. I'm practically Betty Draper.

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Without meaning to I basically dressed entirely in pyjamas, but apparently it is v.trendy.

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I'm in a 30's bed jacket I've had forever, Bassike slouch pants and topshop slippers.

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This is my current handbag obsession. Love.

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  1. i share your husbands nervous need for pasta in the cupboard, dont know why, but its comforting!

    most of the guys i work around sort out their own shirts (weekly drop off and pick up at the laundromat service). saved many marriages.

    1. I told him he's not alone in his pasta hoarding but I'm not sure if it made him feel better or like now he has to buy even more to beat the competition.

  2. Oh yes...ironing. Your hubby must think he's Don! My hubby irons his shirts. He'd rather I did them but I think it's enough that I wash them for him. xx

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