You remind me of the babe. What babe?

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It was my birthday on the weekend.

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I got some books about chairs and a handbag that perfectly matched my nails. Aren't birthdays nice?

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My mum came over and looked after Baby while we went to a matinee movie and it was glorious. Having a baby is marvellous for appreciating tiny acts of freedom.

While we were out she made me this birthday cake from the old Women's Weekly Birthday Cake book.

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We flicked through it and reminisced about all the birthday cakes she made me as a child. I can't wait to make some for Baby. IMG 1105

I can't remember the last time I ate a musk stick so I tried one while this was happening. It tasted like perfume.

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Meanwhile, Baby has been showing his love of David Bowie and 80s movies.

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And has taken up a new residence. We're forwarding all his mail to:
"Car Seat Box House
Middle of the living room rug."

The temperature has dropped the last few days and I'd almost call it chilly. I can't wait for proper coat weather to get here.

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I'm addicted to condensed milk chai tea in my giant 0.5L mug. My advice is to be wary of the giant tea mug. Once you start down the path no regular cup of tea will seem sufficient.

1 comment:

  1. A typewriter cake!!!! AHHH, that is too cool, love it! & Happy birthday!!
